We are overhauling this site to make it friendlier and to update current facts about titling and detitling mobile homes. As state requirements change we are adjusting to make sure we can meet the needs of mobile home owners looking to title, approved transfer a title or de-title the home.
New Services
Mobile Home Service of Tennessee has once again added to our list ever growing list of services. We now include vehicle titling including repossession, buy more about garage keepers lien or a mechanic lien, and abandoned vehicles. For a Full list of services please refer to our services page.
Focusing on title services only , gives us the ability to stay up to date with new laws and regulations. This helps keep our turn around time. In most cases we are able to obtain a title in our clients name within 30-45 days. For information on how to start the process please contact Leslie Nash with any questions or concerns you may have.
E-mail Leslie Nash at